About Us

  • Kelly
  • Anna
  • Sam
  • Gemma
  • Harri
  • Roxy
  • Kayleigh
  • Olivia Rowland
  • Edwina

Stratton Playgroup was established by local parents, with help from the Preschool Learning Alliance (now known as the Early Years Alliance), with the purpose of supplying quality sessional care for pre-school children in the local community. Stratton Playgroup originally opened in 1983, for many years the playgroup ran at the Stratton Community Centre for 2 mornings per week. In 1986 it moved to the Stratton Primary School campus and finally, in 1991 to its current location. The playgroup has gone from strength to strength, expanding to accommodate more and more children as demand has increased in the area, in response to working patterns and social change.

Stratton Playgroup is a registered charitable organisation which is dedicated to quality sessional pre-school care and education for 2 to 5 year olds in our community. We are a warm, friendly and professional group that runs in partnership with parents to offer high standards of care and education to each individual child. We are also registered with Ofsted, Cornwall Council and the Early Years Alliance, which is a highly regarded organisation that provides early years settings with support, guidance and training opportunities.

Normal sessions start at 9am. AM sessions are 3 hours, with Lunch Club - half hour: and PM session - 3 hours, so still finishing our day at 3.30pm.

We offer an “Early Start Session”, 8.15-8.30 start each day, for families that may need to work, access college, etc from or before 9am, giving more flexibility. This session includes breakfast - a range of fruits, cereals, yogurts and toast (waffles, and pancakes may also be offered on occasions, we will take part in some voting with the children to see their preferences). 

By offering the early start & lunch club, we are providing more flexibility for families, to access more all day sessions - with the Government’s 30 hours extended funding for working parents; and this also provides some additional hours for greater access for 2 year old funded children as well.

We ask that all 2 year olds attend a minimum of TWO 3 hour sessions per week; and the term after the child turns 3, that they attend a minimum of THREE 3 hour sessions per week. This is to ensure that the child settles, and benefits as much as possible from their time with us.

Mission Statement

At Stratton Playgroup we aim to provide quality pre-school care and education within a safe and stimulating environment that promotes social, emotional, intellectual and physical well-being in our children.

In addition, we aim to provide a broad and balanced educational programme to encompass each and every child’s individual needs and abilities.

Our Aims

To provide you and your child with:

  • Quality care and education within a safe and stimulating environment which provides a secure foundation, within which learning & development can take place.
  • Quality learning through play, fun and new experiences.
  • A broad and balanced educational programme which encompasses each and every child’s individual needs and abilities.
  • Equal opportunities for all children and their families within our community.
  • We achieve these aims through a working partnership between parents/carers & the playgroup.


Stratton Playgroup is committed to:

  • Providing high quality care and education.
  • Carrying out thorough planning, preparation, monitoring and evaluation of all our work.
  • Practising and advocating equal opportunities in employment and service delivery.
  • Supporting the professional development of our staff to meet the needs of the organisation and to ensure an excellent service.