Our topic for this half term is Healthy Habits
To begin the half term, we have been planting seeds and talking about how things grow, and how fruit and vegetables are pollinated and the importance of bees.
We have also visited the Primary School poly-tunnel and planted our own potato plants, a massive thank you to Jess for all your time and patience. I’m sure the children will keep you updated with their progress as we watch them grow.
Throughout the term the children will be trying fruits from different countries; Kiwis from New Zealand, Passion fruit from Brazil, Guava from India, Olives from Spain and Italy and Avocado’s and learning about the countries and their climate.
The children will learn how to use a knife safely to cut up their fruit to make a delicious fruit salad, and talk about what food and drink goes into a healthy lunch box.
Towards the end of the half term the children will learn about oral health and discuss food that is bad for our teeth. We are also lucky enough to be having a visit from a dental nurse and learn all about looking after our teeth.
We will also be celebrating the Queens Jubilee, more exciting news about this will follow soon!